organisations in transition
31% of CEOs are fired for not managing organisational change well enough.
Nearly 60% of projects aimed at achieving business change do not fully meet their objectives.
Less than 10% of leaders have the right capabilities and experiences required to successfully lead transformations.
Company-wide change efforts are 12.4 times more likely to be successful when senior managers communicate continually.
Organisational ability to transition effectively through change is essential at a time when the rate of change is ever increasing. Those organisations that can adapt quickly to the changing environment will be the ones to survive and thrive whilst those that cannot will most likely fall by the wayside – even the biggest companies can fall from grace when they do not change quickly enough.
Even with everything we know about change, many organisational changes fail to provide the outcomes that were intended, create change that is not sustainable or fails to bring the organisation as a whole on the journey.
Support can be essential to think through both the emotional and rational transition that the organisation needs to make in order to engage the entire system in the journey and truly realise the benefits that any change is intended to make.
We work with senior leadership teams who are dealing with the tension of both running the business whilst also transitioning the business to be fit to face the challenges of the future. We work in a workshop environment whilst also offering individual coaching between group sessions to ensure support is at both a strategic and an individual level.
Our approach is to challenge senior teams to take enough time to think through the purpose of change and the intended outcome to create a clear reason for ‘Why’ things need to change as well as ‘Why’ the change will be better. Both of these are needed to create an inspiring and motivating narrative to engage the wider organisation in a conversation that supports and embeds change before taking the first step of initiating the change.
We will provide a sounding board to the leadership team, provide robust challenge and provoke critical thinking to ensure any plans are robust, well thought though and flexible enough to take account of the wider system needs once the first step has been taken.